Skill Level
Time to Make
1 hour
Adult Supervision

Top Tip
Why not try making a more neutral one for a nursery or a calming space in your house?
How to Make

- To make the tassels, take your chosen wool colour and wrap it around a piece of card 9 x 9cm about 10 times. Take a piece of wool about 30cm long and slide this under the wrapped wool then tie at one end with a tight knot. Remove the tassel from the card and with another piece of wool wrap this around the tassel about a third of the way down from the top and tie tightly with a knot. Wrap the excess wool around this knot and tuck it in when you reach the end. Lastly trim the tassel at the bottom ensuring that the tassel ends are even in length.
- Repeat step 1 until you have three purple tassels, two light blue tassels, two dark blue tassels and two pink tassels.
- Thread two pearl beads to the top of each tassel.
- Take your willow branch and evenly space out the tassels in a V shape so that the centre tassel hangs down the lowest. Tie each tassel thread in a knot to the willow branch and cut off any excess wool.
- Cut a length of pink wool about 50cm long and tie each end to the ends of the willow branch for the mobile to hang from.
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