Holiday Beach Game


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Holiday Beach Game

Top Tip

Try making different versions for passing the time away on car and train journeys.

How to Make

Holiday Beach Game
Holiday Beach Game
Holiday Beach Game
  1. Taking an A4 sheet of coloured card, measure 7cm, 11.5cm, 16cm,19.5cm and 24cm down from the top and make a mark each time.
  2. Using a pencil draw a fine horizontal line at all these points.
  3. Measure 6cm in from the left-hand edge of the card and draw a fine vertical pencil line down the page.
  4. Stick 2 large wiggle eyes in the top left-hand corner, and seaside foam stickers of your choice in the left-hand squares.
  5. Using the self-adhesive gem strips, carefully stick these over the pencil horizontal lines.
  6. Add the foam letters to spell the title of your game: 'HOW MANY CAN YOU SEE?'