Mermaid Night Light


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Mermaid Night Light

Top Tip

To re-use the stencil, check there is no paint on the underside of the sheet as this needs to be completely clean each time you make a print. If there is any wet paint, wipe it away with a wet wipe or paper towel.

How to Make

Mermaid Night Light
Mermaid Night Light
Mermaid Night Light
  1. Tear some strips of pale blue and green tissue paper. Lightly brush glue over a glass jar around the sides and inside the neck. Press down the tissue strips to cover the jar and leave to dry.
  2. Place the mermaid stencil sheet over jar. Press around the edges and over the design to make sure it is completely flat. Add strips of masking tape around the stencil to stop any paint going over the edge.
  3. Squeeze a small amount of paint into a saucer, dip a sponge dabber into the ink, dab it onto scrap paper to remove any excess ink then press paint over the stencil, making sure it has printed through all areas on the design.
  4. Allow the first print to dry for a few minutes, carefully lift up masking tape strips followed by the stencil sheet. Check there is no wet ink on the underside of the sheet then reposition it to make another print, or use another stencil pattern in the same way until the jar is covered. Leave to dry.
  5. Brush glue around the top of the jar, sprinkle with iridescent glitter then shake off any excess onto scrap paper.
  6. Tie some coloured thread or cord around the neck of the jar with pearl beads. Add fairy lights or an LED tealight inside the jar.