Paper Plate Rockin’ Chicks


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Paper Plate Rockin’ Chicks

Top Tip

Instead of coloured paper plates you could use white paper plates and paint your chick design directly onto the plate using ready mixed or acrylic paint.

How to Make

Paper Plate Rockin’ Chicks
Paper Plate Rockin’ Chicks
Paper Plate Rockin’ Chicks
  1. Fold a coloured paper plate in half. Test that it rocks well.
  2. Stick 2 wiggle eyes onto the top left of the paper plate fold.
  3. To make the chick's beak, cut out a diamond shape from coloured paper. Fold the diamond in half so the two triangle points meet. Stick the bottom of the beak onto the chick's head using a glue stick.
  4. To make the chick's wing, apply super tacky glue to the middle of the plate and decorate with either a selection of feathers, sequins or coloured paper. Leave to dry.
  5. Apply super tacky glue to the top right side of the paper plate fold. Attach a selection of feathers or strips of coloured paper. Leave to dry.
  6. You can decorate your rockin' chick with anything you like. Use a pack of musical foam stickers (EV8235) to attach musical instruments and a feather on the chick's head for a cool hairstyle to turn them into rock chicks!