Flower Shadow Art


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


Flower Shadow Art

Top Tip

If the sun isn’t shining, bring your design indoors and project it onto the wall using a torch.

How to Make

Flower Shadow Art
Flower Shadow Art
Flower Shadow Art
  1. To make the petals, take a cardboard tube and squash it flat.
  2. Next, cut slices about 1 cm wide so you have roughly 12/13 petals. One of these will be the centre of the flower, so reshape it into a circle.
  3. Glue each of these petals onto different colour sheets or cellophane.
  4. Make sure you leave two of the leaves green.
  5. Once dry, cut out the petals.
  6. Stick together to create a flower.
  7. Take two wooden craft sticks and stick them together to make one long one.
  8. Stick the stem to the flower in between petals.
  9. Stick on two leaves.
  10. Once dry, take outside and enjoy your shadow art.