Sunflower Fan


Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Adult Supervision


Sunflower Fan

Top Tip

Stretch out the fan as far as it will go to give a flatter surface to paint onto.

How to Make

Sunflower Fan
Sunflower Fan
Sunflower Fan
  1. Open the fan out completely. Using a pencil, sketch out your sunflower design onto the fan.
  2. Paint the wooden part of the fan to represent the middle of the sunflower with brown acrylic paint. Leave to dry.
  3. Using yellow acrylic paint, fill out the sunflower petals. Leave to dry. Then paint around the petals with blue acrylic paint. Leave to dry.
  4. To add extra detail, use a little orange acrylic paint on the sunflower petals as shown.