Unicorn Dreamcatcher


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Unicorn Dreamcatcher

Top Tip

You can simplify the dreamcatcher web by wrapping the wool from one side to the other.

How to Make

Unicorn Dreamcatcher
Unicorn Dreamcatcher
Unicorn Dreamcatcher
  1. Firstly, using the template, draw and cut out the unicorn horn and ears from felt.
  2. Stick and assemble the unicorn horn and ears.
  3. Then, make the craft wreath thinner by cutting out the inside of the wreath.
  4. Wrap the wreath in white wall, remember to tie or stick the ends to secure them in place.
  5. Create a dreamcatcher, web pattern in the centre of the wreath using wool. Start the web by tying a knot at the top of the hoop. The entire first row is loosely woven around the wreath. Then, continue to loop the wool through the midpoint of the first loop in the first row and continue working towards the centre.
  6. Then cut lengths of pastel wool and tread them onto the bottom of the wreath.
  7. Cut a length of white wool and loop it at the top of the wreath so the dreamcatcher can be hung.
  8. Next, glue the unicorn horn and ears to the top of the dreamcatcher.
  9. Lastly, stick flower glitter foam stickers to the top of the wreath, overlapping the unicorn horn and ears.