Skill Level
Beginner, Intermediate
Time to Make
30 mins
Adult Supervision
Top Tip
Make sure the flag is stuck well before wrapping the tin can.
How to Make
- To make the pencil toppers:
- Cut strips of paper and metallic card that are roughly 8 inches x 3 inches. You will need 3 colours for each topper.
- Cut small slits into the paper all the way along the long edge.
- Take two pipe cleaners and twist them together.
- Stick a star either side at the top.
- Start wrapping the paper round the pipe cleaner at the top, repeat for other colours.
- Bend out the fringe slightly.
- Now take a small piece of pipe cleaner and stick little stars on the ends. Wrap this around the pipe cleaner near the top.
- Now curl your pipe cleaner around a pencil.
- To make the pen pot:
- Take a tin can and wrap it in a sheet of white card marking with a pencil where to cut.
- Now carefully wrap little strips of washi tape around the open rim of the can to protect from the sharp edges.
- Now cut two strips of mirror card in red and blue.
- Stick these onto your white card to create the French flag and let dry flat.
- Now using tape and glue wrap this onto your tin can.
- Create a star in red, white, and blue and stick onto the front.
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