Beaded Flower Bracelet


Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Adult Supervision


FREE Template


Beaded Flower Bracelet

Top Tip

You can adjust the size of the bracelet by making less flowers.

How to Make

Beaded Flower Bracelet
Beaded Flower Bracelet
Beaded Flower Bracelet
  1. Firstly, cut a 64cm length of pink elastic. Starting from the middle of the elastic, thread both ends through 2 blue beads. Then thread both ends of the elastic through 3 beads in the sequence of: 1 blue bead, 1 yellow bead and 1 blue bead.
  2. Finish the first flower by threading both ends of the elastic through 2 blue beads.
  3. Repeat the steps for all 5 beaded flowers. When you finish the last flower, tie the ends of the elastic together. Tie the knot a couple of times to make it secure. Trim off the ends of the elastic using scissors. Cut two 24cm lengths of elastic.
  4. Thread 1 length of elastic through the loop in the top of the beaded flower chain. Make sure the ends are the same length and tie a knot.
  5. Repeat so a 24cm length of elastic is tied at each end.. Thread 4 pastel green beads onto the elastic. Repeat so both sides have 4 pastel green beads. Then tie the ends of the elastic to secure the beads in place. You should tie the knot 2-3 times.
    Lastly, cut off the ends of the elastic using scissors.